Signal says its Instagram ads were banned for being too honest(Ads revealed what Facebook knew about its users.)


Many folks are aware that Facebook’s main purpose is not to help you connect and chat with your friends, but instead to collect data about you.

And that data is the secret sauce which allows Facebook to provide a mechanism for delivering incredibly targeted advertising. Facebook isn’t really a social network, it’s an advertising company.

Yet despite many people are aware of this, most find it difficult to picture just how much Facebook knows about them.

Enter the free end-to-end encrypted messaging app Signal, which is well-regarded for its focus on privacy and security.

The team at Signal explained on its blog this week how it wanted to shed some light on Facebook methods.

Their simpler but oh-so-clever idea? To run targeted ads on the Instagram that directly show to the user *how* they were singled out for attention.

Enter the free end-to-end encrypted messaging app Signal, which is well-regarded for its focus on privacy and security.

The team at Signal explained on its blog this week how it wanted to shed some light on Facebook methods.

Their simpler but oh-so-clever idea? To run targeted ads on the Instagram that directly show to the user *how* they were singled out for attention.

Signal has disputed Facebook’s claims that the ads had never been submitted:



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